Health Tech Idaho Blog

Kari Brownsberger

Innovation in Healthcare: From a Noun to a Verb

Didn’t have a chance to attend Health Tech Idaho’s quarterly event last month? Never fear! We’re here to recap all the highlights. “We’re trying to pivot innovation from a noun to a verb.” This from Mary Cronin, Vice President of Consumer Access and Experience at St. Luke’s Health System, eloquently

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Kari Brownsberger

5 Questions With Anne Maxson and Tyler Hemsley of Effectiv

Health Tech Idaho’s Monthly Innovator Feature Welcome to the latest installment of “5 Questions With…” – Health Tech Idaho’s monthly feature to help you quickly get to know an innovator who is changing the face of healthcare and technology in Idaho. This month’s Q&A is with the dynamic duo behind

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Jason Hudson

From Volume to Value: The Shift to Value-based Care   

“Parents who’ve saved $20,000 for their child’s college fund find themselves in the ER. The bill for something performed there could easily cost double what they’ve saved,” says Rourke Yeakley MD, MHA, co-founder of both Health Tech Idaho and the newly opened Empyrean Clinics in Caldwell and Meridian. “It can

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Kari Brownsberger

5 Questions With Jade Chase of NexGen Clinical Education

Health Tech Idaho’s Monthly Innovator Feature Welcome to Health Tech Idaho’s new monthly feature, 5 Questions With…!  In this monthly feature we will have 5 short and snappy questions to quickly get to know an innovator who is changing the face of healthcare and technology in Idaho. This month’s innovator

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Lexi Jensen

June’s Quarterly Event!

Come for lunch and networking with entrepreneurs, investors, and partners in the valley. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from leaders in the healthcare industry in the valley! Get your questions ready for the Q&A and join us at our Health Tech Idaho quarterly event!

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health tech idaho new blog for innovators and startups
Jason Hudson

Welcome to Health Tech Idaho’s new blog!

Health Tech Idaho is proud to unveil our official blog. This new venture is an extension of our commitment to fostering a dynamic healthcare and health tech innovation ecosystem right here in Idaho. As we seek to grow our network of innovators, entrepreneurs, investors and other partners within Idaho’s health

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